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Rules Concerning Discipline
SMCites are expected to conduct themselves as ladies at all times in all places. The whole hearted cooperation of Parents/Guardians is expected at all times in the formation of the character of their children. As the child progresses from the junior to the senior classes increasing opportunities will be given to shift from conforming order to self imposed discipline.
Students should arrive in the school at least five minutes before the first bell is rung. No student will be permitted to enter the school premises after 15 minutes from the start of assembly unless due to unavoidable reasons.
At the sound of the first bell all should go to the assembly ground in silence.
If the teacher does not arrive in the class within five minutes after the bell for a period to commence has rung the captain should report the fact to the office and others should be responsible for order and discipline in the class until a substitute arrives.
All students should be habitually clean and neatly dressed. The School uniform is to be worn on all Class days, Examination days and for all the school functions at or outside the school.
The student of class 6-12 should come in sports uniform on all Saturdays.
No book other than those used in class or taken from the school library, magazines, papers or comics may be brought to the school without the principal’s permission.
Exchange of articles or money transactions between students is not allowed.
Any damage to school property must be made good.
Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is not allowed.
Concerning Absence
Leave of Absence
: Leave for extending holidays attending marriage etc., is not granted without prior written application from a Parent or Guardian, and it must be sanctioned by the Principal. Those sick for more than three days must submit a Medical Certificate on the day of reporting to School.
Absence (Std. I – IX & XI)
: Those absent for one day or more for any reason (including sickness), should get it entered in the leave record in the Diary and get it sanctioned by their class teacher on the following day. It must be briefly entered in the Leave Record of the Diary.
Absence (Std. X & XII)
: ): If the student is absent for more than 7 days for any reason (including sickness), should entered in it the leave record in the Diary and get it sanctioned by the Principal on the following day.
Long Absence
: Those absent for more than four days should get the leave sanctioned by the Principal. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than five days renders the student liable to have her name struck off the rolls.
Absence due to sickness
: A student returning to School after an infectious or contagious disease should produce a fitness certificate from a doctor permitting her to attend the class. Students suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class.
Chicken Pox
: 6 days after the disappearance of the first drop of vesicles
: 7 days from rash
: Until swelling of swollen gland has subsided which may take 9 days from the appearance of symptoms.
Those absent during the time of answer scripts discussion will not be shown afterwards neither to the parents nor the students.
Re-Opening Day
: All have to attend class on reopening day after each vacation, more so on the first day of the new academic year and last day of school before each vacation Those absent without prior sanctioned leave a fine of Rs. 200/- will be levied. Those absent because of sickness must inform the School before or on the representing day, and present a medical certificate from a registered Medical Practitioner before they are admitted to class failing which they must pay the above penalty.
Late Coming
: All those who come late to school should get the diary signed before they enter the class. If anybody is more than 20 minutes late, she must report to the Principal. Those who are late 3 times in the same month or 6 times in the academic year, a fine of Rs. 100/- will be levied.
Skipping Class
: Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the students who absents herself from the class without permission.
Rules of Payment of School Fees
The School Fee is subject to change from time to time. The fee will be payable according to the instruction uploaded in the official website of the school www.smccjallahabad.org
You can pay the fees Quarterly / Yearly as per your convenience
If fees are not paid in full by the specified due date, a fine of Rs. 600/- per quarter will be charged. The fine is accumulative.
Fees must be deposited strictly according to the dates mentioned below:
o 1st Quarter: 1st April to 25th April, 2024 without fine.
o 2nd Quarter: 1st July to 25th July, 2024 without fine.
o 3rd Quarter: 1st October to 25th October, 2024 without fine.
o 4th Quarter: 1st January to 25th January, 2025 without fine.
Fees to be deposited to the Credit of ST. MARY'S CONVENT INTER COLLEGE, PRAYAGRAJ
a) VAN Number (Virtual Account Number) through 'NEFT'.
b) Through e-Care pro app, ONLINE option by visiting the school official website: www.smccjallahabad.org
c) Through the Swipe Machine (POS Machine) in the South Indian Bank. (Debit Card only).
Any other mode of payment such as IMPS, Direct Money Transfer (DMT) etc. other than mentioned above shall not be accepted or considered.
No reduction or remission of fees may be claimed on account of holidays or absence due to illness or for any other reason.
A month's notice or a month's fee in lieu thereof is required before the withdrawal of a student. Those who leave in April will pay the fees for April.
The e-Bill Book is available in school official website: www.smccjallahabad.org, therefore no hard copy of the Bill Book will be provided by the school.
You can also download receipt from your e-Care Pro App under Fee Tab.
Parents / Guardians are requested to keep the e-Bill Book, Fee Deposit Slip, Transaction details and Transaction ID, Reference Number for the record or for future reference if any, when required by the school.
Please be careful to enter correct data; such as admission No., Amount etc. while opting for online fee payment option. Any conflicts due to such errors will not be entertained by the school office. Parents will have to take responsibility for the same.
Library Rules "Reading maketh a full man"
Students should develop the habit of reading books systematically and thoughtfully.
No talking is permitted in the library except on business with the librarian. This also should be done in a low voice.
Students may borrow one book at a time for a period up to one week from the library. Any book not required by another person may be re-issued for a further week.
Reference books, magazines, etc. are available for reference in the library only. They are not to be taken home.
Books periodicals, magazines, etc. should be treated with care, both in and out of the library. No writing, ink blots, torn pages, marks and lines in books, are tolerated.
Books are issued on the understanding that they are only to be read by persons to whom they are issued and are not given to others whether of school or to outsiders.
Any student who breaks the above rules will have to pay a fine or cost of the lost and damaged books.
Science Lab Rules
Students must wear lab coat (white overall) in the laboratory.
Perfect silence in the laboratory is essential for concentration and successful scientific work.
Keep your table, apparatus and note-book neat and clean.
Add reagents in proportionate amounts, this gives the right result and key to success.
Keep the reagents in their respective places, do not change the stoppers of the bottles.
Avoid shifting the bottles from the common shelf.
Use the waste box for throwing broken glass pieces, match sticks, filter paper etc. and do not throw them in the sink.
Shake the test tubes while heating, do not throw hot and concentrated acids, specially conc. sulphuric acid.
Pass hydrogen sulphide gas slowly in the solution, it is a very poisonous gas, do not leave the gas stopper open.
Any damage to lab apparatus/equipments will have to be made good.
Computer Lab Rules
Take off shoes before entering Computer Lab.
Wipe off feet at doormat before entering the Computer Lab.
Do not bring any outside floppy.
Unless and until needed, do not boot any system in the Lab.
Don’t move or shift the V.D.U. from its position.
Always insert the disk properly in the disk drive before closing its drive door.
Do not play with computer peripherals & wires.
Do not scribble on the machine casing, wires and tables.
Do not play with keyboard.
Always come with your group.
Do not bang the key, press them softly.
Always open and close the lab’s door as instructed.
If anyone found misusing or playing with any computer peripherals she will be liable to pay a heavy penalty.
Computer Application/Computer Science is one of the subjects available for ICSE and ISC Level on merit/test basis respectively.
General Rules
All students should be present in school on the opening day of each term.
Irregular attendance, unjustified absence or objectionable behavior justifies dismissal. If a student is absent for fifteen consecutive days without an application or for three days at the beginning of a term, her name may be struck off the rolls.
No books, other than the required text books may be brought to school. No student should bring to the school any objectionable articles, electronic goods, such as camera, Mobile Phones, tape-recorder, knives, weapons, crackers, explosives etc. Smart watches are not allowed. The offenders are liable to be dismissed or rusticated from the school and the confiscated goods will not be returned. The decision of the school authorities is binding on all.
Any damage of school property will have to be made good. The decision of the Principal regarding the amount is final.
No student suffering from a contagious or infectious disease will be permitted to attend school. After recovery a fitness medical certificate is to be submitted.
During school hours, students are not allowed to receive visitors or make phone calls.
Any students desiring to be exempted from P.T. or games must produce a doctor’s certificate to the effect that she is physically unfit to take part.
All students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. They are expected to come in school uniform every day.
The School Diary should be brought to the school daily.
Students are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in school but also for their general behaviour outside. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct out of school shall make them liable to disciplinary action.
Students are not allowed to enter a classroom other than their own without permission.
Articles found in school or on its premises are to be handed over to the office.
Students should at all cost avoid writing, carving and scratching on walls and furniture. Such habits are detrimental to good education and a sign of low taste.
Principal’s permission is required:-
(a) to make a collection for any purpose whatever;
(b) to arrange for a party, picnic or meeting;
(c) to join a sports or to play a game not arranged by the school;
(d) to give presents to teachers or stage demonstration in their honour;
(e) to arrange for private tuition.
No student is allowed to take private tuition from the teachers of SMC.
Long finger nails, nail-polish, Mehendi, Colouring of hair, the wearing of finger rings, chains or any kind of jewellery are strictly prohibited. The school will not be responsible for their loss. Long hair should be properly braided. Exchange of Birthday gifts of any sort are not allowed within the school campus.
All are expected to speak English in School to be able to express themselves better in written and oral work.
Those who come to school without proper uniform or the school Dairy will be penalized.
Identity Card should be worn everyday to the school.
Carrying or wearing any kind of casuals without the permission of school authorities is punishable.
If a student loses her dairy she should buy a new one on payment of Rs. 200/- from the school office.
Things and article forgotten by the students and brought late by the parents, to the office will not be accepted.
If any student is found using the following unfair means will be given zero in the subject. Repetition of the same will result in dismissal.
- Having in possession papers, notes or any other material or information to the examination in the paper concerned.
- Giving or receiving assistance directly or indirectly of any kind or attempting to do so.
- Writing questions or answers on any material other then the answer book.
Parents should not allow their wards to drive their scooties to school.