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Admission And Withdrawals
A student joining the school for the first time must produce a satisfactory evidence of the date of birth such as an extract from the Municipal (Nagarpalika or Nagar Nigam) or Baptismal certificate. Date of Birth once recorded will not be changed.
Generally there is No admission to other classes. However depending on vacancies that may arise, opportunity may be provided to eligible candidates.
Class XI : Admission to Class XI is not automatic for the students of class X of this school. It will depend on the marks obtained in half yearly, unit assessments and preliminary examinations of class X as well as the conduct record of the student during the years in the school.
Generally no admissions are made to class X & XII.
In case of re-admission after withdrawal, admission fee will be levied again.
Every application for a school leaving certificate shall be made in writing by the parents/guardian as the format given in Diary.
A school leaving certificate will not be issued until all the dues are paid. Those who leave in April will pay the fees for May and June as well.
The issue of T.C. implies that all dues to and from the school are completely cleared.
One clear calendar month’s notice in writing or a month’s fees in lieu of such notice must be given before a student can be withdrawn.
Students can be asked to leave the school on the following grounds –
a) Disciplinary
b) Unsatisfactory progress in work.
A child, who fails twice in the same class, will not be permitted to continue her studies in the school especially if she is below average in that class.